While we spend most of the week shooting newborns, babies, and families, we spend several weekends shooting weddings! This year we took a huge leap of faith and added two more wedding photographers to our team, and have been completely amazed at the results, and how well we were all able to collaborate! We were blessed enough to work multiple weddings on the same day, and work with photographers from other areas to help me get everything that I needed! We wouldn't be where we are without the amazing brides and grooms that we are so fortunate to work with. Somehow God places us with people who inspire us with their love and support for one another, their passion for life and ability to have a good time make working with them that much more amazing. This year, most of our weddings took place in Florence, Huntsville, and Birmingham, as well as Atlanta, Georgia. We seriously loved every minute, and I cannot even talk about it enough.
I just wanted to tell you all thank you; Thank you for choosing us, being so precious, being patient while we transitioned Lindsi into motherhood and I took on too much, for reminding us throughout the year that love never fails, and for continuing to love us. We loved working with you, and hope to work with you in the future... maybe if you could just have some beautiful babies in the next few years :)))))

2015 was a whirlwind of a year, some days it felt like I was going to spiral out of control.... but we are feeling rejuvenated and are refreshed from our time off --- we are ready to start the new year with a whole new perspective on our business. This year, I am going to push us to be more creative, do the things that we want to do instead of just thinking of them, taking more time to be with our families and allowing others to help us out more, and creating a space that we absolutely love to shoot in. ---- We will be at the Bridal Show in Florence, AL on January 30, 2016 --- stop by and see us, we are currently booking for all of 2016 and would be HONORED to talk with you! If you know someone who is searching for a wedding photographer, please send them our way! Here's to another great year!!! :) Happy 2016!!